Whether you design your web page using a visual web editor like Dreamweaver or KompoZer, or you code HTML directly with a simple text editor, the generally recommended practice is to validate it after you finish designing it.

Well, you might be surprise to see Bootstrap CSS getting error message on the CSS Validation result when you plug your Website/Blog URL into the W3C validator. It spits out 1000s errors, most of which are parsing errors.

You might have seen CSS Validator Error such as:
Parse Error {*zoom:1; Value Error : background-color Too many values or values are not recognized : #3f6998 \000009

You will always get css validation error while using CSS3. Most of the styles(css3) are not valid under w3 rules as of now.. You can simply ignore these errors and move ahead.. Just make sure you do not have any other validation issues other than those with css3 styles. If so you are perfectly fine..

You can try something like this:

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